Standalone BESS: PUZ or Pause
As the Ministry of Energy takes steps to encourage investments in standalone Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) through support schemes and an improved tariff regime, one regulatory challenge seems to have caught both investors and local authorities off-guard: PUZ is still necessary for developing standalone BESS on extra muros agricultural land.
New Piece in CfD Puzzle
With the entire market eagerly awaiting the launch of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme, the Ministry of Energy has published another crucial piece of the CfD puzzle: the order approving the scheme. The only missing piece now is the Ministry of Energy's order for auction initiation. This latter order is also the most important one, as it will contain key information such as the auction timeline, maximum strike price, participation and performance guarantees, eligibility requirements, tied bids ranking criteria, and details on the process, including Q&A process.
Dawn of a New Grid Connection Era
Following two rounds of public consultations over six months, which saw extensive involvement from various market stakeholders, the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (“ANRE”) adopted Order no. 53/2024 approving the Methodology regarding the allocation of the electricity grid capacity for the connection of electricity production sites, as well as for the amendment of orders issued by ANRE president regarding the connection of users to public interest electricity grid (“Order 53/2024”).
Updates on CfD Scheme Soon to be Launched in Romania
Only days after the European Commission approved the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme to be launched in Romania, the Ministry of Energy published (i) the draft of Government Decision approving the CfD scheme, (ii) the Grounding Note and (iii) the draft of CfD agreement. The Ministry of Energy awaits comments on such drafts until March 25, 2024 and, shortly after, it will publish the final version of such legal enactments, together with the Auction Initiation Order.
New Grid Connection Rules under Public Consultations
On February 1, 2024, the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (“ANRE”) published for public consultations a draft of order amending the main grid connection regulations (the “Draft”). The public consultations will be conducted for a period of 30 days.
CfD Scheme Soon to Be Launched in Romania
With a slight delay from the initial announcement made by authorities at the end of last year, the Ministry of Energy has just submitted for public consultations the much-awaited draft of Government decision approving the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme. An information note for bidders summarizing the key elements of scheme and the next steps was also published.
Unleashing Romania's Offshore Wind Potential: A New Bill Sets Sail
The Ministry of Energy has submitted for public debate a new legislative proposal for offshore wind energy in Romania. This law is eagerly awaited by the market, especially considering the lack of success in promulgating the two previous legislative drafts on the same topic.
New play. Same plot. Same actor.
Almost ten years ago I was writing this article regarding the “Fear of the Smart Guys” play, which had the Romanian State as lead actor, playing two different roles - the Legislator-State and Shareholder-State. The State performance in such play had a decisive influence on the evolution of the Romanian energy sector for a decade.
Extended deadline for financial guarantees in the E-RES connection process: a blessing or a double-edged sword?
The Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) announced an important amendment to the rules for connecting the new power generation capacities to the public grid: the deadline for setting-up the financial guarantee was extended from 3 to 12 months.
Romania to expedite permitting process for solar on agricultural land
The Romanian president has passed a new law to shorten the permitting process for solar projects built on less than 50 hectares of agricultural land.
No More PUZ for Developing Renewables
Very good start of the year for the renewable energy sector. The much-awaited legislative intervention was passed: PUZ is no longer required for developing renewable energy projects.
Permitting issues for solar on agricultural land in Romania
The Romanian government has reportedly rejected almost all permit requests for large-scale solar projects. Law firm Vlăsceanu, Nyerges & Partners claims that the authorities are misinterpreting new rules designed to streamline the permitting process for small projects and support solar on agricultural land.
New MADR Norms – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly for renewables
Ever since the Land Fund Law was amended to allow the development of renewables on extra murros land, the entire industry has been waiting for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (“MADR”) to issue the application norms thereof (the “Norms”).
Developing Renewables in Romania: PUZ or Pass?
One of the most frequent questions asked these days by renewables investors and developers is whether PUZ is still required for developing small renewable power projects in Romania (below 50 ha). The relevance of this question is huge as the answer impacts on the duration of the development process with up to 9 months.
What is the real impact of the recent amendments to Land Law on development of renewables?
One of the hottest topics these days in the Romanian energy industry is the newly law adopted by the Romanian Parliament for amending the Land Law no. 18/1991. After an intense involvement by the energy associations, the long-waited law was finally adopted and currently awaits promulgation by Romanian president.
The “Green Pastures” – “Green Power Projects” Dilemma
Romania has a high potential of renewable energy sources (RES) distributed on its entire territory. Nevertheless, when selecting the location of a E-RES generation project, multiple criteria must be used such as distance to the grid, availability of grid capacity, absence of technical or urbanism limitations.
Clear Sky for Solar Power Plants
A new legislative draft with a highly beneficial impact for development of photovoltaic (PV) power plants was recently filed with the Romanian Senate.
Recenzie: Piesa “Teama de băieții deștepți”
Sectorul energetic a dominat teatrul economiei românești din ultimii ani. Însă puține dintre piesele puse în scenă se pot mândri cu consacrarea unei sintagme atât de notorii și longevive precum ”băieții deștepți”.