Summer School on Renewables
Big shoutout to RWEA - Romanian Wind Energy Association, RenewAcad and Renewable Energy School of Skills for organizing the Summer School on Renewables in Constanta at the end of last week!

Promising Discussions between ANRE and Industry
Very promising discussions conducted by RPIA, RWEA and PATRES with Mr. George Niculescu, president of ANRE and Mr. Viorel Alicus, general director of ANRE regarding the challenges faced by investors in renewables as regards the grid connection process.

Productive Meeting with the President of the Energy Committee of the Romanian Senate
After a productive meeting with Mr. Loránt Antal, President of the Energy, Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources Committee of the Romanian Senate, we are thankful for his invitation addressed to RPIA - Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association to discuss on the challenges faced by renewable energy investors and the legislative changes needed.